“Haven’t you heard?”  (2005)

EM02 TSS02 05

“Haven’t you heard?” is a step forward of this musical project, after the eponymous début album.

Again we find short musical stories and TSS throws us in front of a cinema screen, where complex sound collages are projected, producing new sensations and involving the audience each time they listen to this album.

TSS take advantage to the end of the analog roughness and sound, of the tridimensional dynamic of sampled sounds, of the hyperrealism of the electric guitar and of all a rising tide of hardly recognizable timbres, took under control with notable mastery.

"Haven't you heard?" is rich in new hints, between rock and electronic handling, lysergic trip and soundtrack, explosive energy projection and imaginary vision.

And, thanks to their performance skills, the authors work out refined movement strategies to describe what they see through the lenses of their vivid imagination.





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